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Contact Us

American Elimination of Debt
1106 North State Highway 360, Suite 205
Grand Prairie, TX 75050-2554
Dallas Fort Worth Area Contact

When I was married to my first husband he felt he deserved to live the same life style that his parents did. He would go out every meal, take vacations 2 or 3 times a year, finance new cars and boats. He used my credit to finance his lifestyle. Eventually there was so much debt that there was no way I could pay all the bills. I had trouble just paying for our basic needs. It was very stressful and I eventually filed for divorce. I contacted AED to clean up my credit and they discussed a game plan that I could live with. I was able to pay a lot of the bills that were correct off. AED was able to remove many bills that were incorrect and they were also able to reduce the amount due. Since then I have been able to buy a new home, obtain credit cards and have a better credit score. I now live within my means. My ex- husband has filed for bankruptcy and he is still having trouble with his finances. I learned the hard way but I was able to turn my life around with AED. Debbie M, Grand Prairie, TX

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Get Collectors off your back!